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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Spring 2024!





Our learning...


This term, Year 4 will be looking at a variety of themes including the the water cycle and space.


In maths, we will ensure that our knowledge of multiplication and division are secure, as well as practise a variety of approaches to calculate length and perimeter. Fractions and decimals will be covered in the 2nd half of the Spring term.  Times table facts up to 12 x 12 will continue to be a major focus this term, which will assist the children in their class work this year and beyond. If you would like to find the time table songs from class, follow this link to the BBC “supermovers” website: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-collection/z7frpg8



In English, we will begin by looking at explanations as well as recounts.  Moving on to fantasy and sci-fi narratives in the 2nd half. 


We will be learning about the water cycle and states of matter in science, followed by earth and space! This will also be part of our DT unit where we will be designing and making our own space patchwork as well as robotic hands!


RE this term endeavours to answer the question "How do religious groups contribute to society and culture?".


In geography, we will be looking at the weather and climate change, including coastal erosion.



Our focus for P.E this term is a mixture of dance and gymnastic skills, as well as game skills with Mr North. This term, our P.E slots are Monday afternoon (indoor) and Thursday morning (outdoor dependent on the weather). 

If you are unable to remove earrings yourself, please do not wear them to school on P.E days. Additionally, for those who opt for it, swimming sessions will be first thing Monday morning.

What should you bring to school?


  1. Your Reading Record with school reading book.
  2. A jumper for those chilly days.
  3. A healthy snack for break time.
  4. Labelled uniform - much easier to return to the owner!
  5. A positive attitude – ready to learn!



Depending on the weather, suitable P.E. clothes include:

- plain white polo or t-shirt, black shorts, plimsolls/trainers for indoors.

- additional hat, gloves, extra socks and dark coloured jumper and joggers (unbranded) for outdoors.





Homework will be given out each half term and completed activities/tasks can be bought in as soon as they are done.  Tasks will link to our current topic and hopefully be an enjoyable addition to your learning!


Ongoing tasks include practising times tables and spellings, AND most importantly, reading each evening for at least 10 minutes. Each time you read, record it in your reading record books.