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Year 4

Book Bingo Challenge Autumn 2024

Welcome to Year 4

Autumn 2024!





Our learning...


This term, Year 4 will be looking at a variety of themes including Ancient Greece.


In maths, we will ensure that our knowledge of times tables are secure for rapid recall in any order in preparation for the national check in June.  We will also be learning about place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and area.



In English, we will begin by looking at non-chronological reports, myths and legends, performance poetry and instructions.


We will be learning about electricity and basic circuits as well as how to stay safe around electricity.  Later on in the term, we will be designing and building our own torches so please collect empty pringle pots.  If you have any offcuts of wrapping paper/ribbon etc, these would also come in handy for decorating our builds.


RE this term endeavours to answer the question  "Where do different religious beliefs come from?" as well as "What do we mean by truth - is seeing believing?".


In geography, we will be looking at the British Isles, working on map skills, using a globe and an atlas and looking at symbols on maps.


History, of course all centres around Ancient Greece.  We will investigate what their homes, lives and food was like and look at the differences between us and them.  We will also be finding out how we know this information about the Ancient Greeks, seeing as there were no photos or books at the time!  


In art/DT we will be looking at, designing and making our own Greecian urns!  Hopefully we should recreate some authentic looking pieces.


PSHE is centred around the topic of Being me in my World.  We also cover equality, diversity, inclusivity and tolerance as always.






Our focus for P.E this term is a mixture of gymnastics, dance and games with Mr North. This term, our P.E slots are Monday afternoon and Thursday morning. Additionally, for those who opt for it, swimming sessions will be first thing Monday morning.


If you are unable to remove earrings yourself, please do not wear them to school on P.E days.  Pupils are not permitted to wear anything in their ears for PE lessons (including taped up earrings) for health and safety reasons.   

What should you bring to school?


  1. Your Reading Record with school reading book.
  2. A jumper for those chilly days (thermal underwear if you are a particularly cold being).
  3. A healthy snack for break time.
  4. Labelled uniform - much easier to return to the owner!
  5. A positive attitude – ready to learn!



Depending on the weather, suitable P.E. clothes include:

- plain white polo or t-shirt, black shorts, plimsolls/trainers for indoors.

- additional hat, gloves, extra socks and dark coloured jumper and joggers (unbranded) for outdoors.





Homework will be given out each half term and completed activities/tasks can be bought in as soon as they are done.  Tasks will link to our current topic and hopefully be an enjoyable addition to your learning!


Ongoing tasks include practising times tables and spellings, AND most importantly, reading each evening for at least 5 minutes. Each time you read, record it in your reading record books.