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The following information relates to our end of Year Assessment Information for 2024

2024 Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) results

Our Key Stage Two results were as follows: 29 children in the cohort. Brackets indicate the 2024 National average where known.

Reading 79% at Age Related Expectation (73%) with 24% higher than age related expectation.
Writing 79% at Age related Expectation (72%) with 17% higher than age related expectation.
Maths 76% at Age related Expectation (73%) with 24% higher than age related expectation.


Ave scaled score for Reading 105

Ave scaled score for Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 108

Ave scaled score for mathematics 105


69% at reading, writing and maths combined age related expectations (61%)

10% at reading, writing and maths combined at higher than expected standard.



The following information relates to our end of Year Assessment Information for 2023

2023 Standard Attainment Tests (SATs) results

Our Key Stage Two results were as follows: 31 children in the cohort. Brackets indicate the 2023 National average where known.

Reading 81% at Age Related Expectation (73%) with 39% higher than age related expectation (29%).
Writing 74% at Age related Expectation (71%) with 23% higher than age related expectation (12%).
Maths 87% at Age related Expectation (73%) with 39% higher than age related expectation (23%).


Ave scaled score for Reading 107

Ave scaled score for Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling 106

Ave scaled score for mathematics 107


71% at reading, writing and maths combined age related expectations (59%)

23% at reading, writing and maths combined at higher than expected standard (8%).


Reading progress +1.0

Writing progress +0.5

Mathematics progress +1.6

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