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Home Learning Tasks

Thursday 18th January 2024

Whilst you are at home today, why not take advantage of the time and have a go at some of the tasks below...


1.  New Spring 1 homework tasks.


2.  Lose yourself in a book, even read your favourite book again.


3.  Practise your times tables - Rockstars or Purple mash or set a test for someone at home with you!


4.  Set some N maths questions for someone at home, remember YOU must work out the answers too in order to tell them if they are correct or not!


5.  We will be missing Mr North's PE lesson today so why not choose one of the Cosmic Kids Yoga videos on line to do?!


6.  Spelling practise.


7.  See if you can find an example of an explanation text at home - remember, these are NOT instructions, they explain how or why something happens.  Take a look online if you can't find anything in your home.  Check if the example contains all the features we identified earlier in the week.


8.  Think about all the ways in which we use water - list the ways you think about and bring them into school ready to discuss.  Remember to think outside the box too!!!



December 7th and 8th 2023


While school is closed for these two days, please take the opportunity to work on the following tasks - do what you can; there is no expectation that everyone completes all tasks on the list!


1.  Reading 


2.  Homework  tasks - you already have the Greek homework tasks in your homework books


3.  TT Rockstars or Purple Mash times table games


4.  Tasks on Purple Mash


5.  Spelling practice


6.  Research how Christmas is celebrated in other countries - some have different traditions eg.  leaving a shoe outside their front door to be filled with sweets.  What facts can you find out?  Can you research how to say Merry Christmas in different languages? House point up for grabs if you can correctly identify the country that leaves a shoe at the front door!  Produce a factsheet if you like and we can share it with the class when we come back to school


7.  Click on some documents below to access more tasks eg. reading comprehensions etc...


8.  Seeing as we have missed a PE lesson, if you are bug free and are feeling well enough, you can log onto Cosmic Kids Yoga (just googsie it) and do a bit of yoga, enjoy the story that accompanies it!


9.  Why not practise your art skills by setting up a few objects in front of you and then DO NOT touch them as you draw them.  This is called still life drawing.  Remember to keep looking at what you're drawing, more looking than drawing is required!  Bring in your completed pieces and we will make a wee art gallery!


10.  Take this TIME to brush up on your telling the time skills...look at both digital and analogue clocks - you'll find them all over the house...TV, microwave, oven, mobile phones, laptops, tablets etc...


11.  Remember we have an ongoing task of learning how to tie a tie, Christmas was the deadline!  Ooooh, and shoelaces folks...shoelaces!!!!


12.  Practice some adding and subtracting in column method and then checking the answers with estimating or inverse.  Start with 2 digit numbers and if you're really confident, can you have a go at 5 digit numbers?!


Hopefully those of you who were off are now feeling a bit better and I hope the rest of us have managed to swerve this dreaded belly bug.  Fingers crossed we will see each other Monday!







Spring Term 2022

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