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Thursday 4th

YR Home Learning - Thursday 4th March

Good Morning Reception smiley


Today is World Book Day 2021; a day where the whole school, and children around the country, celebrate their love of books.


Ms Pateman, our school English leader, has created a bingo board of activities for you to dip into today. You don't need to complete every activity on the board, just choose the ones that work for you at home. You will find the bingo board below, as well as some links to related activities.


As you will be busy with your reading activities, there will be no Phonics or Maths lesson today and you do not need to visit your Explore Time bingo board either. Don't worry, you should still be able to complete your rainbow this week.


If you wish to continue the fun beyond today, you can also take part in the 'Share a story' challenge. When you complete a 'Share a story star', take a photo and keep it somewhere safe. Ms Pateman will be collecting some of these photos in the near future for a special school display. I will let you know when you need to send these in. This challenge can be completed over several days/weeks and does not all need to be finished in one go!


Remember, we will be doing a World Book Day dress up for our Zoom tomorrow @ 11am. I look forward to seeing you then, but in the meantime, have fun and happy reading!


Miss Laurence smiley


PS: I'm in school today with the keyworker group but if you have any questions please do send me a message and I'll endeavor to get back to you ASAP! 

World Book Day 2021 Bingo Board

Share a Story Challenge