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Study skills and learning to learn

Based on ELLI, and the seven dimensions of learning, 


Good learners:

Try anyway (even if not sure)

Don’t always have to be right

Know that learning can at times be hard for everyone

Know how to wrestle and struggle with ideas


Ask questions and dig down deep

Don’t just take someone else’s word for it

Accept that sometimes there are no clear answers and things aren’t clear cut

Can politely disagree with things

Keep asking why questions


Make connections

Link new ideas to old ones

Link new ideas to life (conversations, books, films, news) and individual interests

Apply learning to case studies (scenarios) and role play in given situations

Make mind maps


Can learn with others and alone

Join in ice breakers regularly to help social and learning networks

Network online

Take control of the spaces where they learn


Believe they can change

Believe you can train your brain to learn

Know that they are getting better even when they don’t feel it

Know that nothing is fixed or stuck

Know that learning still happens when things aren’t going well


Like to play with ideas

Take risks

Use imagination and visualisation

Ask ‘what if?’ questions

Can start things without knowing where ‘finish’ is

Follow hunches and inklings

Do things differently

Test if rules work in different times

Use the power of their subconscious


Stay in touch with their feelings

Choose their attitude

Keep a learning journal

Use focus and perspective to see things differently