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Year 5


Welcome to Year 5!


Happy new year to you all! Welcome back to a lovely Spring term in Year 5. We are very excited to start out geography knowledge this term. We will be exploring South and North America over the next 12 weeks, while also reading a fantastic new book, 'The Explorer', by Katherine Rundell. This is a fantastic adventure story where four children find themselves in the middle of the Amazon! 


In science we are thinking about living things, habitats, evolution and inheritance, all linking to our wonderful rainforest, rivers and mountains knowledge in geography. As always, keep up your home reading and wonderful spellings and TT Rockstars practise. It helps so much in school! 

Thank you so much for all your support from home.



PE - Class P.E is gymnastics on a Monday and Mr North will be teaching on Thursday each week (earrings must be out for P.E please).


Swimming is on a Monday morning.

Spellings - we are currently checking in with 'Spelling Bookmarks' each week for each of your children, which will be coming home every day. These are personalised spellings for your children to have with them while they are writing, and at home for homework. They can choose some words from the spelling sheet they will bring home, or the words from the book mark, to practise for homework. These are so helpful and we'd really appreciate if they came into school tucked in reading records each day. 


We will also send home spelling sheets for you to check words that the children know, and if you tick them when your child spells one right, they can come back to have it ticked off their big list here! When they have completed the sheet they can have a new one! 

Homework - can be found stuck in homework books, and there will be a digital copy uploaded in our homework section below.






Coffee and Curriculum Year 5 & 6 parent meeting

Educational links for you to try at home!

Book Bingo Challenge 2024