2020 will be a year we will all remember, for many reasons. From March onwards, school looked very different for our children and the routines and daily life of our school community changed almost overnight.
We found ourselves in a 'new' world. Parents became teachers, many of us who usually spent our days at work, now found ourselves at home. Teachers had to adapt to teaching, supporting and caring for children they no longer could see, not to mention upskilling themselves in a lot of technology they previously hadn't needed to use.
There were times for all of us when this seemed like too much of a challenge and too far outside of our comfort zone. Our experiences of lockdown and the resulting difficulties have been different for us all.
At Meadgate though there is always a silver lining. Our children, families and staff have worked together through this time, ensuring work is in place for those who are able to do it. Supporting those who found that working for home and home-schooling didn't always match, but that was ok too. Everyone just doing the best they could.
In the midst of all of that, let us not forget that there have been many, many moments that have reminded us all how important our families are, how working together as a community has helped us all and that our children at Meadgate are some of the most special and precious people around.
Whatever is happening outside, our families have found time together to make many wonderful memories. We wanted to celebrate those times and focus on the positives that have come from the situation. We asked for photos so we could share those memories, and we were inundated.
The joy on the faces of the children gardening, learning, playing, reading, cooking, walking, cycling and all the other brilliant activities that have happened over the last term speaks for itself.
Thank you for sharing your moments with us..........
Our Meadgate Memories
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